#TOW — Do you feel like a salesperson?!
We all can agree that the sale skills are of huge importance in today’s business. The thing is everyone of us has them but, not all of us take action to improve them. From our experience, you’ll find yourself in situations where these skills must be implemented. So, it’s good to know what can be done for boosting them.
For those of you who are not in sales, feel free to read this text since it’s certainly applicable to whatever it is you’re working right now.
I ask this question at all my sales trainings the moment we start talking about the salespersons and their characteristics. “Salespersons, do you fell like salespersons?”
No matter what you work, whether sales or something else, the most important thing is to live your function, working tasks and responsibilities. In order to have maximum results in your job, you have to feel your job and position as part of you. You have to feel good and satisfied with what you’re doing. But we often don’t feel our jobs due to several reasons. For example:
- Our formal education is not appropriate for the position we work in — it’s not rare that a person has studied one field and actually works something quite different. Because of this there may be a feeling of repulsiveness and lack of acceptance for the job that you’re doing.
- We simply don’t like our work — it’s common to accept a job you don’t really like only in order to fill up your time, or because of bare existence or some other reason. This can easily be noticed in the hospitality sector where you can see the waiters/esses that don’t like the job that they’re doing.
- They may have forced us — sometimes it happens, and most often in family businesses, that a family member doesn’t want to have a certain function or position, yet still because of their parents or the situation itself they’re forced to accept the job and do it.
- You don’t believe in yourself — you don’t believe in yourself, in your qualities and abilities. That is why you don’t believe that you can do the assigned tasks the best you can and hence you perceive your job with dislike. Something we all know is that anything can be learned and handled. Everything is technique and with enough practice you can do any given task.
- You don’t believe in the product: whichever the reason, either change the perspective or change the job.
One of the biggest problems why we feel drained after a working day is the fact that we don’t really like our job. We feel repelled by it; it’s difficult to even think of doing the everyday tasks let alone really do them. When we do something we don’t like, we use a lot more energy than we would while doing something we love.
It doesn’t matter what type of work you do, whether it’s the thing you’ve always dreamt of or the one you thought you’d never do. Since you’re doing it and you’ve decided to dedicate your time and given that it’s giving you some benefits (financial, time wise, educational, contact wise…), then love it and find something beautiful in it, something that will motivate you to get out of bed easily and energize you every day.
At the end let me say that if you want to perform better you must continuously work on your sale skills. Only hard work and patience can get you where you want to be.