TOW#451 — Presenting yourself

Tip of the week


Every day, each one of us presents ourselves to others in one way or another. We might be presenting our services or products, or perhaps even ourselves and our qualities.

Recently, however, I’ve started to notice that during such presentations we’re paying very little attention to the presentation itself, and even less to the impression that we ourselves are making. We think that the people watching our presentation need us or our service, and so we don’t take the presentation itself seriously enough.

Well, dear readers, that isn’t exactly the case. Everything, and I do mean everything, is taken into account when people are deciding whether or not they want to work with you, and that includes the way in which you present yourselves. Therefore:

- Clothes — don’t allow what you’re wearing to take any attention away from what you’re saying. On the other hand, wear clothes that you feel comfortable in.

- Speak clearly — be sure in what you’re saying and don’t mumble or make long pauses mid-sentence.

- Technical details — if you need to use some technical terms, explain them, but first ask your listeners whether they know them so that you can decide how much time, if any, you should spend explaining them.

- Pauses — don’t say everything in one go, but make some pauses. In this way you’ll give yourself a moment to rest and think about what you want to say next, while also giving some time to the others to think and process everything you already said.

- Hair and makeup — don’t go to a presentation looking dishevelled or wearing too much makeup (for those that use makeup).

- Time — don’t take too long. Your presentation should be short and to the point. If you see that there’s some interest from the other side, then continue, otherwise it’s best to stop.

- Manners — be on your best behaviour when presenting yourself for the first time, while if you already know the people then excuse yourself for interrupting and greet them.

- Attitude — under no circumstances should you be arrogant, as if you know everything and the person(s) listening don’t have a clue.

- Body — be aware of your body, and don’t fidget or move around too much. Be still for a few moments, since it’ll allow you to concentrate and you’ll be more focused on what you’re saying.

- Focus — during the presentation, be fully present and engaged with the people you’re talking to, and not doing something else or allowing anything to distract you. Make sure your attention is on those listening to you.

- Body language — use, but don’t get too carried away with, your arms, head and other gestures…

As you can see, it’s not all just about the presentation and there’s lots that depends on you. So, when presenting yourself or your product/service, make sure you’re well prepared and you don’t end up being the main reason for a failed pitch!

Wishing you success with the changes to come,


Tip of the Week” Team member

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