TOW#472 — Promotion
Although I’ve spent my entire professional life in marketing, advertising and promotion, and feel that I’m knowledgeable in the area, a friend of mine once explained to me what promotion is (I’m not saying marketing) in the best possible way: “A fish, when it’s spawning, lays thousands of eggs while silently opening its mouth. No one can hear it or knows what it’s doing. Meanwhile a hen lays an egg and the whole village knows about it. Now that’s promotion!”
This same thing happens every day in our private and professional lives. How many times do we say to ourselves that a certain product/service that’s being aggressively promoted and sells very well is not the best option that we know of. There are many other better and better-made products. This also applies to personal promotion, the kind that is so common on social media these days. You have influential personalities or so-called “influencers” that gather several thousand followers, having created their influence by uploading all kinds of nonsense and saying stupid things without any relevant content or quality information. They’re just loud and always present.
On the other hand, you’ve got lots of wonderful products, as well as many wise and smart people, which can’t break through or see some ‘daylight’ because they don’t want to promote themselves or don’t know how. Therefore, in some cases, it’s the ‘stocking fillers’ that end up setting the standards.
I’m not writing this from the perspective of those that falsely promote themselves and emphasise their qualities. Tread carefully when dealing with them, and I can only advise you to be cautious and rational when choosing. This text is more about those who have quality but don’t know how to or don’t want to highlight it.
Since the others won’t be quiet, what you could do is YOU start shouting and being the ‘hen’. If you have quality, and your voice, product or service has value and contributes to raising the standard, then don’t be afraid to SHOUT — be loud and more aggressive with your promotion! However, if you don’t know how to do that, consult with experts (but be sure to also gain some experience and opinions from numerous places).
Wishing you success with the changes to come,
Petar Lazarov
“Tip of the Week” Team member
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