TOW#572 — Positivo
After my last weekly tip “Because I can!”, I received lots of positive comments from many readers. They wrote to me that the advice had had a good effect on them and they liked the fact that in all this greyness and negative information, they can and should still think or do positive things. After these reactions, I had a little think! I realised that we all yearn for something beautiful, for a nice word, a nice deed or a nice surprise. Instead, we’re all poisoned, contaminated, tired of negative information, darkness, pressures, fears, stresses and all that, all of which doesn’t allow us to relax, cool our heads and breathe some ‘positive’ air.
We all know that in this negative environment it’s very easy to be negative, critical and to look for flaws in everything and everyone. Therefore, I decided that from now on I’ll try to insert a positive thread in all my weekly tips, or at least write them from a positive perspective. Now, I don’t know whether that’ll change or make this world more beautiful or more positive (actually, I’m sure it won’t), but no matter what I’ll continue to resist gravity and to focus on the positives. And I believe that if we all do one positive thing more than what we normally do, something can and will change in us, the environment or beyond.
Unfortunately, being positive today truly means fighting against gravity. You know what journalists say (and I’ve talked to several) on the topic of positive news? They all say that negative news sells more and that’s why nobody (or I should say very few) bothers to share positive news. I even heard somewhere that one media outlet has a programme called “1 minute of positive news” (which is to be welcomed, but I still find it very sad). In addition, if we take into account the Nikola Tesla quote that “there is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment”, it follows that our environment shapes us, and that’s why it’s so difficult to be or remain positive nowadays.
In this week’s tip, I won’t write about what you need to do in order to be positive — you can Google it and you’ll get a million results. I’d rather explain to you how difficult it is and why it’s so difficult, as well as what challenges you’ll face along the way. Of course, it’s up to you how you’ll proceed. So, being positive means being POSITIVE TOWARDS:
1.YOURSELF: this one is particularly difficult. It means loving ourselves. Or, being ‘selfish’ in the true sense of the word. Because ‘selfish’ doesn’t mean doing things for yourself at the expense of others, but truly respecting and loving yourself, your body, your actions, your situation, your environment, your achievements, and so on. However, looking around we see just how little people love themselves, starting with making cosmetic corrections to their bodies, and it’s easy to conclude that we’re rather far from loving and respecting ourselves.
2. OTHERS: I is EGO, YOU is EMPATHY. We’ve written a lot about this in the past — that thinking about others is very hard, if not impossible these days. We always look at things from our perspective (EGO-I). The idea is that simply by changing the perspective to YOU, we can help ourselves and others a lot. Everyone can and does hurt others, but the greatness of a person is measured in the good and positive things they do for others. When was the last time you did something nice for someone?!
3. THE PLANET: uff, I don’t know what to say here. Like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. If it had a voice, I think the cries of our planet would be heard far and wide across the Universe. On a higher level, I associate this with awareness, while on a lower level with integrity. I read somewhere that ‘integrity’ is when you collect your dog’s faeces in the park even when no one is watching.
In any case, I believe that if we change at least a little bit in any of these three points, we can help ourselves, others and the environment a lot.
To end, here’s the song Penso Positivo by Jiovanotti — to improve your mood a little and get you dancing, laughing and singing along:
bad and good, good is stronger.
I think positively because I’m alive,
because I’m alive, I think positively,
because I’m alive and because I’m alive,
nothing and nobody in the world
can stop me from thinking…
Lorenzo Jovanotti
Wishing you success with the changes to come,
Petar Lazarov
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