7 Jan 2021 — the year’s first tip of the week! As always at the beginning of the year, let’s toast to new beginnings and new happenings, and wish each other the best and send positive vibes. If we stop to think about it for a moment, we can all agree that we’re expecting a lot from this year, from every aspect, hoping it’ll bring something new and some changes.
Firstly, it’s the start of a new year. Every time we enter a new one, we try to leave the negative things, the difficulties, problems behind us, and expect something better, more positive, beautiful. Secondly, after the difficult ‘Corona 2020’, we all expect and wish this 2021 to be better, with the hope that the pandemic will finally end. And lastly, you may have read somewhere (regardless of whether you’re interested/believe in it) that a major astrological event occurred on 21 December 2020 — the alignment of the two biggest planets in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn. This event is still known as the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ because it happened when Jesus was supposedly born. From an astrological point of view, this means a new era, changes, new developments on a social, political, ideological and most importantly, individual level.
In any case, I’d like to wish you all the best, a lot of health, love, luck and, as my mother would say, for all your wishes to come true. However, I can’t just say this and leave it there, without giving any weight to the weekly advice itself, since as you know the idea of our tips is to give you something provocative and different from the norm.
· All the best: Tough one. First of all, what does “all the best” even mean?! How will you know what’s good, if you don’t know what’s bad. Don’t run away from bad, difficult things and situations. Face them, accept them and learn from them.
· Health: We all wish each other health, but if we don’t lift a finger to take care of ourselves then we’re basically talking in vain. We can’t improve our health if we constantly destroy it with all the usual destructive offerings (food, alcohol, drugs, poisons, negative thoughts, inactivity, etc.).
· Love: What is love?! Love isn’t just about a particular person. Love means loving and accepting all people and everything around you. It means giving, it means compassion, caring and commitment. Love has no barriers, limitations or hidden agendas. It’s sincere and unconditional. Do you feel love in this way!?
· Luck: According to our book TIP OF THE WEEK #1 (tip 16), luck doesn’t exist. We make or ‘lose’ our own luck. Or to paraphrase Henry Ford, “the more I work, the luckier I get.”
· All your wishes to come true: Well, imagine what would happen if all your wishes did indeed come true. A deluge. You’d be done for. It’s impossible for it to happen. It’s not for nothing that they say “be careful what you wish for, it might come true.”
So, here’s my wishes for you in 2021, but also in general: Find good even in the bad, take care of your health, spread love to everything and everyone, create your own luck and make wishes from the heart, with a pure and honest mind!
Essentially what I want to say is that everything depends on you, on ourselves. Whether there’s a higher power or energy or luck that can help us, I think there’s definitely something there. But it’s also not for nothing that they say “fortune favours the brave”. It’s not just about making bold moves, but about the fact that we have to set things up ourselves, to be people of action, not to wait for others to do things for us. And if ‘luck’ or something else (god, the planets, the Universe or whatever you want to call it) helps us along the way, then be grateful.
No matter how you look at it, scientifically, rationally, religiously, socially, politically, abstractly, astrologically, esoterically, psychologically… something is happening in the world. Systems, concepts and standards are collapsing. The basic rules of physics are tumbling. Quantum physics is already establishing new norms and standards (if they can be called standards). One kilogram is no longer one kilogram as defined by the International Prototype of the Kilogram which dates back to 1889, while the atom doesn’t behave the way scientists thought until now. It’s already been proven that matter doesn’t exist, and that everything is energy. Societal changes are taking place. Covid has changed the way we work, think and live in general.
There are changes taking place at every level, globally and personally. However, the ability to integrate the changes will depend on each individual person, i.e. their level or preparedness or how much they’ll work on themselves (with mind, heart, body). The real battles will not be between nations, countries, political, ethnic or religious groups. The real battle will be with ourselves, with our duality and how to keep both sides calm and find the balance between the dark, destructive side and the bright, prosperous, sunny side.
Wishing you success with the ‘new’ changes!
Petar Lazarov
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