TOW#586 — Being good at work versus feeling good at work!
If we want to be happy in our jobs, we need to be good at performing our tasks.
Each of us feels the need to contribute towards something (whether at home or at work), to create some kind of value and thus to make a difference and influence the changes in our environment. That’s where that feeling comes from when we do a good job, we feel great, positive or in a word — amazing! Somehow we feel proud, fulfilled, we’re more valued in our company, we’re closer achieving our goals.
On the other hand, when we don’t do something well, don’t meet targets or are constantly being criticised, the opposite happens, i.e. a feeling of inadequacy, lack of control, and finally that we don’t belong in the team or the environment, which may well happen soon anyway.
Of course, it’s in the best interest of every company to ensure that every single employee and team achieves great results, that is, that every single one of them (individually or as a team) is giving their best and that, to return to the title above, they’re happy at work. To achieve this, each company focuses on developing the following four areas for each individual:
- Skills development: through training, development of competencies, job skills competitions;
- Resources: time, tools, IT systems;
- Structure: organisation, plans, goals, budgets, strategy, processes;
- Support: support for coworkers + managers, coaches / mentors, consultants.
All of these are important because they enable us to achieve good results. For some of them, as I mentioned, it’s up to the company to provide for the employee, but for others the employees themselves have to be proactive. It’s not always up to the company.
However, many employees give great results, but they don’t feel that way (the feeling comes from within themselves or from their superiors), which leads to dissatisfaction at work. And when people are unhappy at work, it hurts their motivation, productivity and creativity.
So, to summarise, in addition to the fact that companies should help their employees to achieve good results, they also need to make sure that employees feel great about their results. At the same time, employees should do as well as they can so that the company (read: the superiors) can praise them on their results and thus make the employees feel good about their place in the company.
It’s clear to see how all these things are interconnected… it can’t always be employees asking the company (supervisor) or vice versa, but instead everyone should give their best in order to guarantee mutual harmony.
Wishing you success with the changes to come,
Member of the Team
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