We all need to have a clearer life vision or goal in life, and there’s no more significant time to think about that than now!
I’m sure this is something that has always been talked about, ever since humans reached a more developed form of consciousness. But I’m not being naive by writing this right now. At this moment, during this period. Of course, we all need to define our life’s vision, otherwise the old saying will come true: “if you don’t know where you’re going, then you’ll surely end up elsewhere”. A life goal and vision is our roadmap — to know where we’re going. It’s something that motivates us and makes our lives easier, something that moves us forward and makes us feel complete, fulfilled, satisfied and attuned with our higher ideals.
But why am I saying this right now!? What is different now!?
The reality is, if you don’t define and follow your own vision, you’ll allow others and your environment to develop it for you and determine the course of your life.
Today we live in a digital world. A world of algorithms. That means we’re always clicking, liking, watching something, searching for information on the Internet… everything is available to us, and all (or at least most) of the information is free. But as a friend of mine says, “you know what they say — if something is for free, you are the product”. This means that with each click we enter the matrix of an algorithm, which scans and defines our profile. Then, an information vacuum is created, in which all the information that appears on our screens is already predetermined. In this way it’s very easy to influence our opinions and attitudes in life. It wasn’t for nothing that there was such an uproar over the violation of people’s personal rights in the Cambridge Analytica and Facebook scandal.
“Algorithms kill you slowly”
- from a T-shirt I have
I think it was someone at Cambridge Analytica who said, “with 40 ‘likes’ I know more than your friend, with 80 ‘likes’ I know more than your mother, and with 120 I already know you better than you know yourself”.
What can you do or which questions you can ask yourself in order to define a clearer vision in life:
• Creating a life vision is not an overnight job! It must first be understood that in order to create a more or less clear life or professional vision / goal, you have to work on it for a while. Analyse yourself, the past, the environment, educate yourself, look for sources of information, literature, consultations, advisors, etc.
• Are your mind and heart on the same page!? If you have stomach ache, if you’re constantly talking to the ‘other person inside you’, if you’re not sleeping well or don’t sleep at all, it means you have lost or haven’t yet found your focus / direction. You have to change something.
• Is something pulling you down?! Consider first whether there are any old wounds that need to be healed, people that need to be cut out of your life, or situations that are holding you back. In order to move forward, you must first rid yourself of old burdens.
• What is your environment like?! Do the environment and people help you to be yourself and grow, or do they suffocate you? If you put a flower in barren soil, without sun and water, it’ll most certainly wither.
• Does what you do fulfil you? Or at the very least doesn’t weigh on you when you need to get up in the morning and go to work.
• What are you good at!? What is it that you do best!? What are you passionate about and talented at? This is where you should look for the way out.
• What would bring greater joy and satisfaction into your life!? What are the things that would make you happier? Would they really make you happy or are they just a reflection of someone else’s thoughts, opinions and influences!?
• Do you have a strategy about how to do that!? In all my workshops, when someone tells me that they’re making or want to make a change, I say great, and do you have a strategy, steps, techniques for how to do that?
• Who is your support!? One thing I’ve learned in my life is that you should always have someone to push you forward, someone to be your support, conscience, motivator or educator along the way. Otherwise, it’s very easy to give up and end up ‘elsewhere’.
Wishing you success with the changes to come,
Petar Lazarov
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