TOW#594 — Speeding up work
The time of working slowly is long gone. Adjusting the metabolism of your company, work and processes in general, can lead to amazing things. It’s because nowadays, customers — the end users of your product — are more demanding than ever, and not acting quickly can cause serious damage to your work or to what you want to achieve.
Speeding up your metabolism to complete tasks faster can only give you a competitive advantage. Making sure that you, or your business in general, adapt and adjust faster to work obligations, could be crucial for survival.
Here are some key steps you can take to speed up your work metabolism:
• Overcoming obstacles between teams — you must always know the progress of the work and the interdependence between the teams by creating some kind of platform (it’ll have to be centralised) for getting jobs done. This will unite the team, and you’ll have control over multiple segments;
• Transparency and accountability — all team members must be accountable for the tools that allow real-time collaboration. These tools can be a variety of applications, documents in the cloud or whatever you want. This creates transparency in the work and accountability from each employee, as well as what’s been completed and when!;
• Sharing information — we all have too much information coming at us right now. What is crucial, when sharing information, is to share only the most important information, thereby sparing people from receiving the unnecessary stuff;
• Eliminating productivity ‘killers’ — reduce the frequent circular emails and meetings on the status of the company or the degree of performance of tasks by establishing an always updated platform on job processes and degrees of completion;
• Approval process — this part of the work process must be faster. You should either build an automated process acceleration system (one of the above platforms / apps) or create tools that will allow the process to run faster, but avoiding long meetings;
• Focus — stop jumping from one job to another, but instead finish things one at a time. If things do happen to overlap, for whatever reason, make sure that it’s all in the service of the same end goal or completed task;
• Team members — encourage the team to welcome daily changes, and the members to get involved in giving ideas, thus speeding up processes and their implementation first by themselves, and then by other team members or between teams.
Nevertheless, at the end of the day the most important thing is to work on yourselves and to not succumb to everyday problems and negative criticism, while being open to positive criticism for your own improvement.
Wishing you success with the changes to come,
Member of the Team
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