TOW#619 — Karma!

Tip of the week
3 min readNov 11, 2021


Regardless of whether you’ve ever delved deeper into the meaning of the concept of ‘karma’, as a result of following some Eastern practice or philosophy, or you’re totally not interested in it, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ve used the word in some situation or another. You’ve certainly heard something along the lines of:

- Don’t worry about taking revenge on someone, karma will get them back!

- Bad karma follows him/her around!

- Do uanto others as you’d like to be done unto you!

- Instant karma! (when someone does/thinks something bad, and immediately pays for it by falling, breaking something or getting hurt)

In any case, we generally use the word ‘karma’ when talking about a reaction to an action that we or someone else has taken. In other words, we associate it with the principle of causality (action-reaction). However, according to the true meaning (Sanskrit/Hinduism), Karma means ACTION, or how we behave and what we do, decide and think in our lives.

I’d like to link this for a moment to the current political situation, since it applies to everyone in politics, including those planning to get involved or who don’t yet know they’ll get involved. Just be aware that politicians are most influenced by the laws and principles of karma and can most easily get bad karma on their back. This is mostly due to the fact that they work with our money. We, the citizens, have given them the confidence to spend our money in the interest and for the good of us all. So, if they use it to satisfy their own personal interests, they themselves, as well as their families, will be subjected to negative influences of the highest order. So be careful!

With this in mind, there are 12 karmic rules or laws that, whether we like it or not, affect us and our lives. You will find them defined in various ways, but in general they mean the same thing:

1. Basic Law — Law of Action and Reaction. What you give to the Universe, you will receive!

2. Law of Creation — You attract what you are, not what you desire. Live according to how you want things to be and you’ll have the life you want!

3. Law of Humility — Accept reality. If you only look at the negative side, you won’t be able to focus on the higher states of life.

4. Law of Growth — Focus on the growth of the spirit. You should and can change, and not wait for people, places and situations around you to do so!

5. Law of Responsibility — Whenever there’s something wrong in my life, it means there’s something wrong with me. Take responsibility for your actions!

6. Law of Connection — Everything in the Universe is connected. Each step leads to the next step, and no single step is more important than any other!

7. Law of Focus — You can’t focus on two things at once. If you think of the higher goals and values, the low thoughts and emotions won’t exist!

8. Law of Giving — If you believe that something is true, then at some point in your life you’ll be called upon to put that truth into practice!

9. Law of the Here and Now — When you look back to see what happened, you’re moving away from the present!

10. Law of Change — History repeats itself until we learn what we need to change on our path!

11. Law of Patience — True joy and reward follows if we’re patient and do what we ought to do!

12. Law of Significance — You get back what you put in. The value of something is equal to the energy and intention that was invested!

Analyse where you are in relation to these laws and, if you want to get the most out of yourself and your life, follow them as much as you can.

Wishing you success with the changes to come,

Petar Lazarov

Member of the Team



Tip of the week
Tip of the week

Written by Tip of the week

An interactive handbook for personal and professional development. Dedicated to CHANGE - in all its glory!

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