#TOW — It’s time to overcome being reticent!
A large number of people around us are reticent, and yet they would so much like to be extrovert. They like socializing with a lot of people, making new friendships, having fun, but something inside them doesn’t allow them to loosen up. It’s not that they’re shy or feel awkward; I don’t know what it is, their character is simply such.
They want to be like the others and have fun, socialize, but it simply isn’t working. Here are several tips on how to overcome that and have fun at parties:
· Try and find a person you feel good with — that can be anyone, even a family member. Don’t insist on finding a large group (this goes for those who are extremely reticent), let it be one or a maximum of two people. Work on your social and communicational characteristics with them.
· Communicational skills — work on improving them with that group of people. Talk about topics you know, but be prepared for new findings. Also, be prepared to accept knowledge about completely new topics.
· Relaxed — try to be relaxed while with people. Try and get involved in the conversations by asking questions, showing interest about the topic and even more, actively participate in the discussions.
· Friendships — try and make new friendships. Using the previous tips it is inevitable that you will meet a lot of people, but you have to be prepared for new views on things, as well as new ways of thinking. Be open for new friendships, this will enable you to learn new things.
· Involving friends in your everyday life — be open to involve your friends (old and new) in your everyday life. Consult them about your daily problems and things that bring you joy. Furthermore, involve them in your hobbies and you start getting involved in their hobbies; the same goes for work and some aspects of your private life. However, chose general topics for the new friends, as well as ways of getting them involved.
· You in a group — participate more in group gatherings, such as educational events, conferences, trainings, etc. I would encourage you to even be more active at these events and ask questions. It is difficult, but only the very first time.
· Part of a group — try to be part of a group. Don’t be alone if it’s not necessary or if the situation doesn’t impose that. Try and socialize with as many people as you can. Don’t think that people are generally bad and mean you harm. No one means you any harm!
· Be positive — only in this way can you do yourself any good. If you are positive, you’ll have a positive look on life, but also the people around you will look at you positively. Everyone wants to socialize with positive people.
I wish you success with your changes!