#TOW — Patience is everything!
The common denominator of stress, failures, conflicts and all unpleasant situations is lack of patience.
We’re all aware of this, yet if you turn around you’ll notice more and more impatient people. We live in a time when things are happening fast, so patience is more than necessary.
How should I put this? When you lack patience or aren’t patient enough, you’re only contributing to more arguments, additional stress, quarrels, shouting, and even fights. We hear of such stories everyday and we’re simply not learning the lesson.
But the thing is that it takes a little to get rid of these situations. All you need is more patience. I’m not saying that you should allow for injustice, quite the contrary. But it’s a fact that more patience is really needed!
That is why I would like to share with you several interesting ways of having more patience:
· The reason — the first thing is to find the right reason for your impatience. If you find the cause, you can easily act to eliminate it.
· Self-confidence — impatience usually occurs when emotions fail us or when we have no control over them. With great self-confidence comes great control of emotions and in turn control of your patience.
· Positive — be positive and look at things in life positively.
· Fatigue — a tired person is more impatient than a rested one.
· Managing time — try to be on time or a bit early when doing tasks or arriving at a place. Impatience goes hand in hand with lack of time or being late.
· Seeing further than the present — try to be ahead of time. Try to visualize the possible problems and that will prepare you for them if they happen.
· Reduce stress — there are a lot of methods to do this but the most common ones are: control your breathing (inhale and exhale deeply), exercise (morning exercises, office exercises, the gym, etc.), walks (during or after work), meditation and the likes.
· Attention — your attention should always be at a high level. People with not enough or no attention at all focus less on things and are consequently impatient.
· Expectations — try to manage your expectations, but also those of the people around you. If the expectations are leveled, you won’t put yourself in a situation in which you will be impatient.
· Practice patience — try to work on your patience whenever you can, try to keep calm and face the stress. If you have enough time, here are several tips about how to work on improving your patience:
1. Next time you go to a shop, stand in the longest queue;
2. Instead of taking the coffee with you, wait in line and drink it in front of the cafeteria;
3. Take the longer instead of the shorter route.
· Relax — sometimes it seems that the end of the world is nigh and who knows what will happen if we don’t act immediately. But know this; it’s not the end of the world. Give it your best, but don’t put yourselves in an even more stressful situation than the one you’re already in.
Whatever you do, work on your patience. Patience is one of the key things for success in life and work.
I wish you success with your changes!